Mark Zuckerberg's creation changed the world, adding a million users in less than a year, kickstarting a social media revolution.

Imagine life before Facebook—posting scraps on Orkut, finding partners differently, and self-worth beyond social media. 

Life Before Facebook

Typing styles, influencers, and meme-based relationships emerged with Facebook, altering communication norms. 

Impact on Communication 

Relationships became virtual, with connections based on followers rather than real-life interactions. 

Shift in Relationships 

Online personas like Orry and viral reels became synonymous with social media culture. 

Online Presence 

Fandoms replaced traditional community bonds, reshaping how people engage with entertainment. 

Entertainment and Fandoms 

Social media influenced housing hunts, hate culture, and online privacy concerns. 

Personal and Social Impact 

Embarrassing pictures and thoughts found a permanent home online, reshaping personal histories. 

Digital Archives 

Social media transformed birthday wishes, family dynamics, and even job choices, highlighting its profound impact.

Reflections on Change